Can just anyone in your company see all the contracts?


Imagine: you have a company with several branches and departments, led by a manager. Each department usually wishes to keep its own contracts up to date. As a consequence, the contracts are not only spread over the various departments but also over the various branches. There is no global overview. Sounds familiar?

You might have guessed it, there are more efficient ways to manage your contracts.

User management

There is nothing wrong with a contract being managed by the one who is most closely involved with it in terms of content. The IT manager, for example, is best placed to have the IT contracts under his or her maintenance.

Where it does go wrong, is when each of them manages the contracts in their own way (classifier, PC, disc or outlook agenda). First of all, this is sub-optimal in terms of operational efficiency. Secondly, the board of directors and management lack an overview of which running contracts the organisation has. Third, they do not know which agreements have been made, nor whether they have been followed-up correctly.

This is how time and money are lost. How it should be, you ask? It is important for a company to digitise and centralise all contracts. The goal is to prevent the following:

 - Contracts cannot be found;

-  Contracts are spread over different branches;

-  Only one staff member knows where a contract is.

If you recognize one of these scenarios, it means that you do not have an overview over the contracts in your organisation and who is responsible for them. The result? Unwanted, tacitly renewed or irrelevant contracts.

Contract management software

Contractify is the solution to your problem! First of al, we focussed on making all contracts accessible and easy to find. Secondly, every staff member has access to the contracts that he/she is responsible for or needs to consult. The reading rights are adjustable for each individual, for example per department, location or simply per file.

You can also decide whether someone should be a user, manager or admin. The manager for instance, is able to create teams, for which he/she is responsible. The use of teams allows you to keep track of the contracts and related tasks of your team. An escalation process can also be activated to notify you when a team member has not executed a task in time.‍


One last item we took into account with Contractify is that when a colleague is ill, on leave, or no longer working for the company, you can temporarily or permanently transfer all contracts and tasks to another user with one single click. Useful right?

Want to store and manage your contracts more safely & efficiently?

Schedule a demo with our experts to see how Contractify fits your needs, or get started right away for free!

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